Mark 6:14-30
Pastor Garrison Greene
BIG IDEA: Disciples sent by Jesus will meet with challenges in their mission.
OUTLINE: As we live lives of discipleship and mission,
1) We Find A World That Often Misunderstands Jesus (vs. 14-16)
2) We Face Those Who Reject God’s Authority (vs. 17-20)
3) We Follow the Path of Our Crucified Savior (vs. 21-29)
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; The Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament: Mark by Andreas Kostenberger and Robert Yarbrough; Expository Thoughts on The Gospel Of Mark by J.C. Ryle; The Pillar New Testament Commentary: Mark by James Edwards; Where Is Your Scar? Mission and Martyrdom by Jonny Gibson; Josephus: The Complete Works by Josephus Flavius; Ordinary Hero: Living the Cross & Resurrection in Everyday Life by Tim Chester