“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! ”
At Veritas our aim is to declare, embody, and display the Kingdom of God as we make disciples and obey Jesus’ commands. Jesus’ command to make disciples is for all who believe in him--not just a select few. Neither is his command limited to reaching those in our neighborhoods or city, but people of all ethnic groups in all geographical regions (Matthew 28:18-20).
Beyond our missions convictions, Veritas is burdened for the gospel to go forth among peoples and in places unreached with the gospel, or in other words, where Jesus Christ is not named (Romans 15:20-21). The gospel is an urgent message for the dying world. It is especially urgent for unreached people--those who have little to no access to Christian witness and no established local church. Although 2.7 billion people are still unreached, only 10 percent of global evangelical missionaries are sent to unreached peoples [1] and only 6 percent of global church income goes to foreign missions [2]. Veritas seeks to be among the small but growing number of churches sending, giving, and praying for the unreached.
While there is a great need for gospel workers to go abroad, there is ample opportunity in Dayton to meet, work with, and live beside ethnically diverse people who may not know the good news of Jesus Christ. Our city boasts significant numbers of immigrants and refugees because of industry, local universities, and Catholic Social Services Refugee Resettlement.
Ongoing engagement opportunities in Dayton include serving meals and socializing with international college students through IFI, volunteering to help newly-resettled refugees with Welcome Dayton, or being an English conversation partner for an international student.
Upcoming opportunitites
If you would like to join the Veritas missions team, learn more about engagement opportunities, or discuss being sent or supported by Veritas for missions work, please fill in the below form.