The Tenth Commandment

The tenth commandment addresses our hearts by forbidding coveting and requiring contentment, revealing our need for the New Covenant in Christ.

Resources used: ESV Study Bible; Exodus Commentary by Motyer; How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments by Ed Clowney; The Doctrine of the Christian Life by John Frame;

The Eighth Commandment

God is our gracious and generous provider who calls us to respect the property rights of others and to be generous as well. As each one of us fail to keep this command, Christ fulfills it perfectly in his lavish generosity and in giving his life completely. So graciously, he shares with us all that he is and has in his life, death, and resurrection.

The Sixth Commandment

God created every human being in his own image. Therefore, every person possesses dignity and value based on the God who made them. Because God treasures humanity, he forbids murder, and calls his people to pursue the preservation and flourishing of human life.

The Fifth Commandment

In the fifth commandment, we see one of the ways that families that follow Christ are supposed to be different. We’re called to honor our parents and to require the same of our children. Like all the Ten Commandments, this is one we’ve all broken and torn asunder. But not Jesus. Jesus honored his parents and perfectly honored the Father. And by his grace, he shares with us the promised blessing attached to this commandment.

(Due to technical difficulties, the audio this week isn't perfect. We're working hard to get this right!)

The Fourth Commandment

In fourth commandment, we see God's command to set aside one day every week to rest and spend time with God. This commandment is a gracious provision and invitation for us to enter the rest of God provided in Christ.

(NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, the final minutes of the sermon were not recorded)

The Third Commandment

In the third commandment, God commands his people to refrain from lifting up his name in a way that dishonors him or belittles his infinite worth. In this sermon, we look at a few ways that we are guilty of this, but how Christ—who alone is guiltless—was counted guilty so that we can be counted as guiltless in him.

The Second Commandment

In the second commandment, God commands us not to form idols for worship. If you see idols as carvings made by hands, this may seem irrelevant to you. But we also see that idols are comforts made by hearts—something we’re all guilty of. To be redeemed and to kill the idols we’ve created, we need Jesus, the true image of God to replace our worthless objects of worship.

The First Commandment

In our redemption, God lays an exclusive claim over our lives. As our Creator and Redeemer, he then commands that we worship him and him alone. While this may make you feel like you're being fitted for a strait jacket, we see that in his exclusive confinement there is exquisite contentment.