John 11:25-26
Pastor Garrison Greene
BIG IDEA: Whoever believes in Jesus will live and live forever.
1. The Sign
2. The Statement
3. The Significance
a. You can face the future & death with poise and peace
b. You can face hardship & suffering with joy & resilience
c. You can take meaningful risks & live for something bigger than yourself
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; John: That You May Believe (Preaching the Word Commentary Series) by Kent Hughes; Reformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; ESV Expositional Commentary: John by James Hamilton; Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t: The Beauty of Christian Theism by Gavin Ortlund; How To Reach the West Again: Six Essential Elements to a Missionary Encounter by Timothy Keller; Truth, Tears, Anger, and Grace (A sermon from John 11:1-44 on 9/16/2001) by Timothy Keller