Easter - I AM the Resurrection & the Life

John 11:25-26

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Whoever believes in Jesus will live and live forever.

1. The Sign
2. The Statement
3. The Significance
a. You can face the future & death with poise and peace
b. You can face hardship & suffering with joy & resilience
c. You can take meaningful risks & live for something bigger than yourself

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleJohn: That You May Believe (Preaching the Word Commentary Series) by Kent Hughes; Reformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; ESV Expositional Commentary: John by James Hamilton; Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t: The Beauty of Christian Theism by Gavin Ortlund; How To Reach the West Again: Six Essential Elements to a Missionary Encounter by Timothy Keller; Truth, Tears, Anger, and Grace (A sermon from John 11:1-44 on 9/16/2001) by Timothy Keller

Good Friday - I AM the Door

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John 10:7-18

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the door to salvation, safety, and satisfaction.

1. Jesus is the Door to Salvation
2. Jesus is the Door to Safety
3. Jesus is the Door to Satisfaction

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleJohn: That You May Believe (Preaching the Word Commentary Series) by Kent Hughes; Reformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; ESV Expositional Commentary: John by James Hamilton

I AM the True Vine

John 15:1-17

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the vine, therefore in him abide.

1. Our Vine: Jesus the Son
2. Our Vinedresser: God the Father
3. Our Call: Abide in Christ

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to John by D.A. Carson; Reformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; Who Is Jesus? Knowing Christ through His “I Am” Sayings by J.V. Fesko; Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology by Richard Bauckham; Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John by Richard Bauckham; The Character of Christ: The Fruit of the Spirit in the Life of Our Savior by Jonathan Landry Cruse; Rejoicing in Christ by Michael Reeves

I AM the Way, & the Truth, & The Life

John 14:6

Pastor Brian Drake

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the Way Home. (Home is where the Father is.)

1. Jesus is the Way Home
2. Believe Him!

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to John by D.A. Carson; Reformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; Who Is Jesus? Knowing Christ through His “I Am” Sayings by J.V. Fesko; Meeting Jesus: The “I Am” Sayings of Christ by R.C. Sproul; John: Crossway Classic Commentaries by John Calvin; Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: John 11-21 by Joel C. Elowsky; Reformation Commentary on Scripture: John 13-21 by Christopher Boyd Brown; Rejoicing in Christ by Michael Reeves

I AM the Door & the Good Shepherd

John 10:7, 9, 11, 14-15

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus gives entrance to his sheep and cares for them as their Shepherd.

1. The Chastisement of the Shepherds
2. The Claims of the Shepherd

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleA Shepherd’s Look at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller; Reformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to John by D.A. Carson; Who Is Jesus? Knowing Christ through His “I Am” Sayings by J.V. Fesko; Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology by Richard Bauckham; Particular Redemption (sermon) by Charles Spurgeon

I AM the Light of the World

John 8:12

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the light who leads all who follow into life.

1. Where We Walk: Darkness
2. Who Jesus Is: Light
3. What To Do: Follow

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to John by D.A. Carson; Who Is Jesus? Knowing Christ through His “I Am” Sayings by J.V. Fesko; Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology by Richard Bauckham

I AM the Bread of Life

John 6:35

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the sustenance that supplies salvation and satisfaction.

1. Jesus, the Person
2. Jesus, the Provision
3. Jesus, the Promise

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; ESV Expository Commentary: John by James Hamilton; Preach the Word: John’s Gospel by Kent Hughes; The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to John by D.A. Carson; John: Through Old Testament Eyes by Karen Jobes; Reformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John by Richard Bauckham; Who Is Jesus? Knowing Christ through His “I Am” Sayings by J.V. Fesko; Meeting Jesus: The “I Am” Sayings of Christ by R.C. Sproul; Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t: The Beauty of Christian Theism by Gavin Ortlund