The Resurrection

Mark 15:40-16:8

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus has been raised from the dead!

A - The Women Witness the Crucifixion From Afar
B - Joseph Courageously Appeals to Pilate
A1 - The Women Witness the Empty Tomb With Fear
Jesus has been raised from the dead:
- Be Convinced By The Witnesses
- Be Courageous In Your Witness

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Mark Commentaries by Edwards, Ferguson, Strauss, Akin, Ryle, and Stein; Handbook of Christian Apologetics ed. by Kreeft and Tacelli; A Case Against the Longer Ending of Mark by Peter Head; Markan Sandiwches: The Significance of Interpolations in Markan Narratives by James Edwards

The Crucifixion

Mark 15:21-39

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: The Son of God is crucified in the plan of God to appease the wrath of God.

1. The Son’s Suffering Was Planned (vs. 22-32)
2. The Son’s Suffering Was Propitiatory (vs. 33-38)
3. The Son’s Suffering Was Revelatory (vs. 21, 31, 32, 36, 39)

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Baker Exegetical Commentary on Mark by Robert Stein; Pillar New Testament Commentary on Mark by James Edwards; Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in Mark by Daniel Akin; Let’s Study Mark! by Sinclair Ferguson; Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture by Christopher Watkin; The Ninth Plague: Darkness by Ligon Duncan

The True King Will Set You Free

Mark 15:1-20

Pastor Brian Drake

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the rejected True King who sets us free.

1. The Decision to Reject the King’s Identity
2. The Displayed Rejection of the King
3. The Deliverance of the Rejected King
a. The Real Son is Delivered to Death
b. The Rebel Son is Delivered from Death
c. The Rebel Son is Delivered to the Kingdom of the Real Son

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament- Mark by Mark Strauss; Pillar New Testament Commentary- Mark by James Edwards; Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament- Mark by Robert H. Stein; Christ-Centered Exposition- Exalting Jesus in Mark by Daniel L. Akin;

The Last Supper. The Lord’s Supper.

Mark 14:12-25

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus has died to redeem us and has given us a meal to remember it until he comes again.

OUTLINE: The Last Supper Shows Us That:
1. Jesus Has Achieved A New Exodus
2. Jesus Has Died As Our Substitute
3. Jesus Has Died As God Planned It
4. Jesus Has Given A Memorial Meal
5. Jesus Has Given A Communion Meal
6. Jesus Has Given A Hopeful Meal

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; A Meal With Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission Around the Table by Timothy Chester; King’s Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus by Timothy Keller; The Lord’s Supper: As The Sign and Meal of the New Covenant by Guy Prentiss Waters; Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry

The Precious Vessel of Surpassing Worth

Mark 14:1-11

Pastor Brian Drake

BIG IDEA: The worth of Jesus himself surpasses everything else.

1. Rejecting the Surpassing Worth of Christ
2. Receiving the Surpassing Worth of Christ
3. Responding to the Surpassing Worth of Christ

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Mark by Mark Strauss; Pillar New Testament Commentary: Mark by James Edwards; Let’s Study Mark! by Sinclair Ferguson; Gentle & Lowly by Dan Ortland;; The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Jesus’s Timely & Timeless Words

Mark 13:28-31

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus’s words will never pass away.

1) A Clear Claim To Jesus’s Absolute Authority
2) A Confirmation Of Jesus’s Complete Credibility

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Jesus, the Temple, and the Coming of the Son of Man: A Commentary on Mark 13 by Robert Stein; Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Mark by Robert Stein; Preaching the Word: Mark by Kent Hughes; A Peculiar Glory by John Piper; Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

The Coming of the Son of Man

Mark 13:24-27

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Christ will come again in power and glory to gather his own from the ends of the earth.

OUTLINE: Christ’s return will…
1) Be Accompanied By Earth Shattering Events (24-25)
2) Reveal Him As the Powerful And Glorious One (26)
3) Involve the Gathering of His Global Elect (27)

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Jesus, the Temple, and the Coming of the Son of Man: A Commentary on Mark 13 by Robert Stein; Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Mark by Robert Stein; Preaching the Word: Mark by Kent Hughes

NOTE: We experienced a technical difficulty midway through the sermon, so there is a small portion of the audio missing.

How To Live In Crazy & Chaotic Times

Mark 13:1-23

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: In the midst of this chaotic world: discern, witness, pray, endure, and trust.

1. The Events That Are Non-Signs (5-13)
A. The Appearance of False Teachers (5-6)
B. The Arrival of Wars and Disasters (8-9)
C. The Advancement of the Church’s
D. Mission & Persecution (10-13)
2. The Event That Is the Sign: Abomination of Desolation (14-23)
A. The Affliction In Jerusalem (14-20)
B. The Appearance of False Teachers (21-23)

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Baker Exegetical Commentary: Mark by Robert Stein; Jesus, the Temple, and the Coming of the Son of Man: A Commentary on Mark 13 by Robert Stein; Preaching the Word: Mark by Kent Hughes

The Razing & Realization of the Temple

Mark 13:1-2

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG QUESTION: Why does Jesus foretell the temple’s destruction?

1) To rebuke our interest in mere externals
2) To remind us of the reality of judgment
3) To reveal to us the temple’s fulfillment

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Mark by Robert Stein; Jesus, the Temple, and the Coming of the Son of Man: A Commentary on Mark 13 by Robert Stein; Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to Mark by James Edwards; Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels by Richard B. Hays; Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Mark by J.C. Ryle; King’s Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus by Timothy Keller; On Spiritual Mindedness by John Owen