Galatians 6:11-18
The cross is the only boast of the crucified people of God.
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Commentaries by Philip Graham Ryken and Timothy George
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The cross is the only boast of the crucified people of God.
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Commentaries by Philip Graham Ryken and Timothy George
A spiritual church is practically generous, persevering in such because of God’s promise.
A spiritual church is sustained through practicing discipline with humility and gentleness.
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A crucified life is a life of freedom bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Last week was about characterizing the fruit. This week is about cultivating the fruit.
A crucified life is a life of freedom bearing the fruit of the Spirit.
The way of the flesh is an ever present danger, therefore we must follow the way of the cross as those who belong to Jesus.
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Commentaries by Timothy George, Philip Graham Ryken, Martin Luther, and John Stott; The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Liberty in Christ is not a license to sin, but to love your neighbor.
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Commentaries by Thomas Schreiner, Timothy George, Martin Luther; Concerning Christian Liberty by Martin Luther; The Law of Perfect Freedom by Michael Horton
Have faith in Christ, not your works.
RESOURCES: Martin Luther's commentary on Galatians, Thomas Schreiner's commentary on Galatians, Charles Spurgeon "A Good Start", Augustine "Confessions", ESV Study Bible
God brings life out of death. This new life is the true church existing by promise and not by human achievement.