God’s Faithfulness To His Fearing People

Genesis 32:1-21

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: What to do when feeling anxious & afraid:

1. Be Encouraged by the Lord’s Presence
2. Cast Your Anxieties on the Lord In Prayer
3. Behold the Lord’s Faithfulness in the Past

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleGenesis Commentary by John Calvin; God’s Rascal: The Jacob Narrative in Genesis 25-35 by Dale Ralph Davis; John G. Paton: Missionary to the Cannibals of the South Seas by Paul Schlehlein; Whole Bible Commentary by Matthew Henry

Our Foes, Our Folly, & God’s Faithfulness

Genesis 30:25-31:16

Pastor Garrison Greene

TEXT: Genesis 30:25-31:16

BIG IDEA: God is faithful to bless his opposed and obtuse people.

1. God Blesses Us Despite Our Foes
2. God Blesses Us Despite Our Folly
3. God Blesses Us Because He Is Faithful

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; God’s Rascal: The Jacob Narrative in Genesis 25-35 by Dale Ralph Davis

A Biblical Soap Opera

Genesis 29:31-30:24

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Even in our pain and perversion, God is still fulfilling his purposes.

1. The Heartache of God’s People
2. The Failures of God’s People
3. The Hope of God’s Providence

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleGenesis Commentary by John Calvin; Genesis: Book of Origins by Philip Eveson; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Living In the Grip of Relentless Grace: The Gospel in the Lives of Isaac & Jacob by Iain Duguid; God’s Rascal: The Jacob Narrative in Genesis 25-35 by Dale Ralph Davis; Providence by John Piper; The Wonderful Works of God by Herman Bavink; Systematic Theology by Stephen Wellum

The Beatific Vision

Revelation 22:1-5

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We will experience our greatest gladness when we gaze upon our glorious God.

1. The Instruments of this Vision
2. The Internality of this Vision
3. The Intimacy of this Vision
4. The Enjoyment of this Vision

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleOur God Reigns: An Amellennial Commentary on Revelation by Sam Storms; To Gaze Upon God: The Beatific Vision in Doctrine, Tradition, and Practice by Samuel Parkison; Shining Like the Sun: A Biblical Theology of Meeting God Face to Face by David Wenkel; The Blessed and Boundless God by George Swinnock

The New Heaven & the New Earth

Revelation 21:1-27

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We await the new creation, in which we’ll obtain the home and life for which we yearn.

1. The Home For Which We Hope
2. The Life For Which We Long
3. The Invitation To This Inheritance

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Revelation: A Shorter Commentary by GK Beale and David H Cambell; Baker New Testament Commentary: Revelation by Thomas Schreiner; Lectio Continua: Revelation by Joel Beeke; Not Home Yet: How the Renewal of the Earth Fits Into God’s Plan for the World by Ian K Smith; This Homeward Ache by Amy Baik Lee; Reformed Expository Commentary: Revelation by Richard Phillips; Let’s Study Revelation by Derek Thomas; Revelation For You by Tim Chester; Revelation For Everyone by NT Wright; The Promise of the Future by Cornelius Venema; More Than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation by William Hendrickson

The Final Judgement

Revelation 20:1-21:8

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: God will justly judge all at the end of the age, inspiring our sobriety, worship, and belief in his gospel.

1. The Reality of the Final Judgment
2. The Relevance of the Final Judgment

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Revelation by Richard Phillips; Revelation: A Shorter Commentary by G.K. Beale; Baker Exegetical Commentary on the NT: Revelation by Thomas Schreiner; The Justice and Goodness of God: A Biblical Case for the Final Judgment by Thomas R. Schreiner; The Promise of the Future by Cornelius Venema; Themelios, Volume 11 - Issue 2: The Problem of Judgment by Stephen Travis

Seeking a Bride

Genesis 29:1-30

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: God secretly & sovereignly guides all things for his aim & our advantage.

1. God’s Hidden Hand
2. God’s Perfect Plans
3. God’s Grand Goal

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleThe JPS Torah Commentary: Genesis by Nahum Sarna; Genesis Commentary by John Calvin; Providence by John Piper; Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Comprehensive and Readable Theology by James Montgomery Boice; Systematic Theology: From Canon to Concept by Stephen Wellum; Approaching the End of God’s Grand Design by Jonathan Edwards; Heidelberg Disputation by Martin Luther

God's Ladder

Genesis 28:1-22

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: God’s promises & presence are with his chosen, demanding our holiness & devotion.

1. God’s Distinct People
2. God’s Dwelling Place
3. God’s Devoted People

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleA New Exposition Of The London Baptist Confession Of Faith Of 1689 ed. Rob Ventura; Preaching the Word: Genesis by Kent Hughes; ESV Church History Study Bible; God’s Rascal: The Jacob Narrative in Genesis 25-35 by Dale Ralph Davis; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Genesis Commentary by John Calvin; Reformed Expository Commentaries: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Living in the Grip of Relentless Grace: The Gospel in the Lives of Isaac and Jacob by Iain Duguid