The Beatific Vision

Revelation 22:1-5

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We will experience our greatest gladness when we gaze upon our glorious God.

1. The Instruments of this Vision
2. The Internality of this Vision
3. The Intimacy of this Vision
4. The Enjoyment of this Vision

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleOur God Reigns: An Amellennial Commentary on Revelation by Sam Storms; To Gaze Upon God: The Beatific Vision in Doctrine, Tradition, and Practice by Samuel Parkison; Shining Like the Sun: A Biblical Theology of Meeting God Face to Face by David Wenkel; The Blessed and Boundless God by George Swinnock

The New Heaven & the New Earth

Revelation 21:1-27

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We await the new creation, in which we’ll obtain the home and life for which we yearn.

1. The Home For Which We Hope
2. The Life For Which We Long
3. The Invitation To This Inheritance

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Revelation: A Shorter Commentary by GK Beale and David H Cambell; Baker New Testament Commentary: Revelation by Thomas Schreiner; Lectio Continua: Revelation by Joel Beeke; Not Home Yet: How the Renewal of the Earth Fits Into God’s Plan for the World by Ian K Smith; This Homeward Ache by Amy Baik Lee; Reformed Expository Commentary: Revelation by Richard Phillips; Let’s Study Revelation by Derek Thomas; Revelation For You by Tim Chester; Revelation For Everyone by NT Wright; The Promise of the Future by Cornelius Venema; More Than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation by William Hendrickson

The Final Judgement

Revelation 20:1-21:8

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: God will justly judge all at the end of the age, inspiring our sobriety, worship, and belief in his gospel.

1. The Reality of the Final Judgment
2. The Relevance of the Final Judgment

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Revelation by Richard Phillips; Revelation: A Shorter Commentary by G.K. Beale; Baker Exegetical Commentary on the NT: Revelation by Thomas Schreiner; The Justice and Goodness of God: A Biblical Case for the Final Judgment by Thomas R. Schreiner; The Promise of the Future by Cornelius Venema; Themelios, Volume 11 - Issue 2: The Problem of Judgment by Stephen Travis