Don’t Waste Your Life

Ecclesiastes 11:1-6

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Although this life is unpredictable, we ought to take appropriate risks for the glory of God and the good of our neighbor.

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleA Table in the Mist by Jeffrey Meyers; Reformed Expository Commentary: Ecclesiastes by Douglas Sean O’Donnell; How Did Early Christians Respond to Plagues? Historical Reflections as the Coronavirus Spreads by Kenneth Berding


Fortune & Fate

Ecclesiastes 9:1-12

Without Jesus, we face the reality of a certain and sudden death.

This week's guest preacher is John Pope, pastor of Refuge Church.

This recording includes the audio from our entire service, including music and prayer. We’ve included this to serve those who were not able to be in attendance due to concerns related to the coronavirus.

RESOURCES: Proverbs & Ecclesiastesby Brazos; Theological Commentaryby Daniel J. Treier; Ecclesiastes - Baker Commentaryby Craig Bartholomew


Wisdom, God, and Government

Ecclesiastes 8:1-13

While we ought to respect governing authorities, we also ought to recognize their limitations and revere God above all. 

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; A Table in the Mist by Jeffrey Meyers; Preaching Christ From Ecclesiastes by Sidney Greidanus; Reformed Expository Commentaries: Ecclesiastes by Douglas Sean O’Donnell; The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, ed. by J. Robert Wright


Your Better Life Now

Ecclesiastes 6:10-7:14

Since all our times are appointed by God, we ought to live wisely by looking for the good in affliction and adversity.

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Preaching Christ From Ecclesiastes by Sidney Greidanus; Reformed Expository Series: Ecclesiastes by Douglas Sean O’Donnell; A Table in the Mist by Jeffrey Meyers; The Crook in the Lot by Thomas Boston


Wealth and Contentment

Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9

The pursuit of wealth is vain, but with contentment there is great gain.

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Preaching Christ From Ecclesiastes by Sidney Greidanus; A Table in the Mist by Jeffrey Meyers; Reformed Expository Commentary: Ecclesiastes by Douglas Sean O’Donnell; Practical Religion by JC Ryle; Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller; The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs; The Weight of Glory by CS Lewis


More Hebel

Ecclesiastes 4:1-16

The futility of this world is made plain by it’s many immense problems, but Christ came to redeem the world.

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Ecclesiastes Commentaries by Craig Bartholomew and Philip Graham Ryken
