Christmas - He Shall Be Called: Jesus

Matthew 1:1-17

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Jesus has come to save us from our sins.

1) The Story of How Jesus Came
2) The Spirit’s Miraculous Conception
3) The Savior We Sinners Need

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Matthew Vol I by Daniel Doriani; Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Christ In Matthew by David Platt; Rejoicing In Christ by Michael Reeves; Reason For God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller; The Strange Persistence of Guilt by Wilfred McClay

The Mothers of Jesus

TEXT: Matthew 1:1-17

BIG IDEA: The mothers of Jesus show us that he came for sinners and sufferers among all peoples.

1) The Story of How Jesus Came
2) The Spirit’s Miraculous Conception
3) The Savior We Sinners Need

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Matthew Vol I by Daniel Doriani; Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Christ In Matthew by David Platt; Rejoicing In Christ by Michael Reeves; Reason For God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller; The Strange Persistence of Guilt by Wilfred McClay

The Exiled People’s Hope

Matthew 1:1-17

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleThe Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis; Matthew, Disciple & Scribe: The First Gospel & Its Portrait of Jesus by Patrick Schreiner; 5 Reasons Matthew Begins with a Genealogy by Patrick Schreiner; The Exile Series (Podcasts) by The Bible Project; Echoes of Eden by Jeremy Barrs

King David’s Royal Son

Matthew 1:1-17

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the Son of David, come to bring his eternal reign of wholeness.

1) The Promise of the Davidic King
2) The Problems with the Family Tree
3) The Pertinence of the King’s Coming

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Matthew by D.A. Carson; Ligon Duncan on 2 Samuel 7 by Ligon Duncan; God Knew What He Was Doing When He Gave Jesus Two Family Trees by Andrew Wilson; Renewal as a Way of Life: A Guidebook for Spiritual Growth by Richard Lovelace; The Gospel Transformation Study Bible; 5 Reasons Matthew Begins with a Genealogy by Patrick Schreiner

Father Abraham’s Promised Offspring

Matthew 1:1-17

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the offspring of Abraham through whom all nations will be blessed.

1) Jesus Brings The Longed-For Blessing
2) Jesus Is The Promised Offspring
3) Jesus Came To Bless All Nations

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Matthew, Disciple and Scribe: The First Gospel and Its Portrait of Jesus by Patrick Schreiner; Preaching the Word: Galatians by Todd Wilson