Acts 2:41-42
Pastor Garrison Greene
BIG IDEA: The gospel of Jesus Christ rescues us into communities that are devoted to God and to his means of grace.
1. A Gospel Community
2. A Devoted Commitment
3. A Nourishing Communion
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Acts Commentary by Martyn Lloyd-Jones; John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible by John Gill; ESV Expository Commentary: Acts by Brian Vickers; Preaching the Word: Acts by Kent Hughes; The Baptist Catechism (1677) by Benjamin Keach & William Collins; They Devoted Themselves (TGC) by Ray Ortlund Jr; Renewal As A Way of Life: A Guide Book For Spiritual Growth by Richard Lovelace; Green Pastures: A Primer on the Ordinary Means of Grace by J. Ryan Davidson