The Holy Spirit Sanctifies

1 Peter 1:1-2

The Holy Spirit graciously and supernaturally sanctifies God’s people

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; The Holy Spirit by Kevin DeYoung; Commentary on 1 Peter by James Samra; Rediscovering the Holy Spirit by Michael Horton; The Mystery of the Holy Spirit by RC Sproul; Christian Theology by Millard Erickson



The Holy Spirit Convicts

John 16:4b-15

Because of his kindness and our need, the Holy Spirit graciously works conviction in us.

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: John by Edward W. Klink III; Keep In Step With The Spirit by JI Packer; The Holy Spirit by Kevin DeYoung



The Person of the Holy Spirit

John 14:15-26; 15:26-16:15

The Holy Spirit is a person who will never leave us alone.

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: John by Edward W. Klink III; Keeping In Step With The Spirit by JI Packer; What Christians Should Believe by Michael Byrd; The Mystery of the Holy Spirit by RC Sproul; The Paraclete by Charles Spurgeon



The Ascension of Jesus Christ

John 16:7; Acts 1:1-11

The ascended Lord Jesus gives his people the gift of the Holy Spirit.

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; The Ascension: Humanity in the Presence of God by Tim Chester & Jonny Woodrow; Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: John by Edward W. Klink III; Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Acts by Eckhardt J. Schnabel; What Christians Ought To Believe by Michael Byrd; The Ascension by Tim Keller

