Is the Holy Spirit an Impersonal Force?

John 14:15-26; 15:26-16:15

Pastor Garrison Greene

TEXT: John 14:15-26; 15:26-16:15

BIG IDEA: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, whose presence and ministry we desperately need.

1) The Holy Spirit Is A Divine Person
2) The Holy Spirit Is Our Divine Paraclete

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleZondervan Exegetical Commentary on the NT: John by Edward Link III; The Holy Spirit by Kevin DeYoung; Keeping In Step With the Spirit by J.I. Packer; What Christians Should Believe by Michael Byrd; The Mystery of the Holy Spirit by R.C. Sproul; The Paraclete by Charles Spurgeon; Table Talk: Special Issue - R.C. Sproul 1939-2017