Romans 3:9-20
Pastor Brian Drake
BIG IDEA: All humans are sinful by nature and cannot make themselves righteous.
1. The Problem We All Share (v9)
2. The Paradigm of Human Nature (V10-18)
3. The Power to be made Right (V19-20)
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; The Wonderful Works of God by Herman Bavinck; Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Romans by Thomas R. Schreiner; Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Romans by Frank Theilman; The Message of Romans by John R.W. Stott; The Gospel of God (Romans) by R.C. Sproul; Romans 1-7 For You by Timothy Keller; 3 2 1, The Story of God, The World, and You by Glen Scrivener; Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis; Concise Theology by J.I. Packer; Knowing Faith Podcast by