John 15:1-17
Pastor Garrison Greene
BIG IDEA: Jesus is the vine, therefore in him abide.
1. Our Vine: Jesus the Son
2. Our Vinedresser: God the Father
3. Our Call: Abide in Christ
RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to John by D.A. Carson; Reformed Expository Commentary: John by Richard Phillips; Who Is Jesus? Knowing Christ through His “I Am” Sayings by J.V. Fesko; Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology by Richard Bauckham; Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John by Richard Bauckham; The Character of Christ: The Fruit of the Spirit in the Life of Our Savior by Jonathan Landry Cruse; Rejoicing in Christ by Michael Reeves