The Father’s Blessing

Genesis 27:1-46

Pastor Brian Drake

BIG IDEA: The Free Blessing of the Heavenly Father cannot be altered or aided by sinners.

1. Beware Of Loving The Blessing More Than The Father
2. Beware Of Fearing The Father Won't Bless
3. Behold The Father Who Freely Blesses

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible, Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Genesis Commentary by John Calvin; Reformed Expository Commentaries: Genesis by Richard Phillips; God’s Rascal: The Jacob Narrative in Genesis 25-35 by Dale Ralph Davis.

Same Problems, Same Promises

Genesis 26:1-35

Pastor Garrison Greene

TEXT: Genesis 26:1-35

OUTLINE: Life with God as…
1. Saints
2. Sufferers
3. Sinners

RESOURCES: ESV Study BiblePreaching the Word: Genesis by Kent Hughes; ESV Church History Study Bible; God’s Rascal: The Jacob Narrative in Genesis 25-35 by Dale Ralph Davis; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Genesis Commentary by John Calvin; Reformed Expository Commentaries: Genesis by Richard Phillips

One Potter, One Lump, Two Vessels

Genesis 25:19-34

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: God’s grace chooses to the unlikely and stimulates our endurance.

1. God’s Sovereign Election
2. God’s Scandalous Selection
3. God’s Stimulating Lesson

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleESV Church History Study Bible; God’s Rascal: The Jacob Narrative in Genesis 25-35 by Dale Ralph Davis; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Genesis Commentary by John Calvin; Reformed Expository Commentaries: Genesis by Richard Phillips

Abraham’s Sunset

Genesis 25:1-18

Pastor Garrison Greene

OUTLINE: The sunset of the Abraham story shows us….
1. The Contrast of the Two Offsprings (vs. 1-6)
2. The Comfort of God’s People in Death (vs. 7-11)
3. The Certainty of God’s Plan & Promises (vs. 12-18)

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleWelwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Genesis Commentary by John Calvin; Reformed Expository Commentaries: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis

The Sought-After & Set-Apart Bride

Genesis 24:1-67

Pastor Brian Drake

BIG IDEA: The Promised Son will certainly find his sought-after and Sanctified Bride.

1. Stand Fast Like The Saint (vv 1-9)
2. Seek Like The Servant (vv 10-60)
3. Embody The Bride (vv 61-67)

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis; The Crossway Classic Commentaries: Genesis by John Calvin; Living in the Gap Between Promise & Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham by Iain Duguid; “No Compromise” 10/7/1888 Sermon by Charles Spurgeon

Dying Pilgrims & the Land of Promise

Genesis 23:1-20

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We are dying pilgrims on our way to the Land of Promise.

1. What Is Coming: Death
2. What We Are: Pilgrims
3. What Will Be: Glory

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleThe JPS Torah Commentary: Genesis by Nahum Sarna; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis

The Test & the Provision

Genesis 22:1-19

Pastor Garrison Greene

Why did God test Abraham in this way? To show us that…
1. Tests Will Come
2. Faith Will Work
3. God Will Provide

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleThe JPS Torah Commentary: Genesis by Nahum Sarna; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis

The Tent & the Altar

Genesis 21:22-34

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We are a people of the tent and of the altar.

1. We Are a People of Respect & Cooperation
2. We Are a People of Truth & Reproof
3. We Are a People of Worship & Eternity

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; The Crossway Classic Commentaries: Genesis by John Calvin; A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 ed by Rob Ventura; Letter From Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr

Two Sons, Two Ways

Genesis 21:8-21

Pastor Garrison Greene

1. The Contempt We’ll Experience
2. The Commitment To Which We’re Called
3. The Common Grace of God Displayed
4. The Crucial Difference Between Us All

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Galatians by Phillip Graham Ryken; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Living in the Gap Between Promise & Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham by Iain Duguid; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; The Crossway Classic Commentaries: Genesis by John Calvin

Infirmity & Invincibility

Genesis 20:1-18

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Though we as God’s people fail, God’s grace invincibly endures.

1. Beware Our Infirmity as God’s People
2. Behold the Invincibility of God’s Grace

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Genesis Commentary by John Calvin; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis; The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock; Gentle & Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners & Sufferers by Dane Ortlund