The Sought-After & Set-Apart Bride

Genesis 24:1-67

Pastor Brian Drake

BIG IDEA: The Promised Son will certainly find his sought-after and Sanctified Bride.

1. Stand Fast Like The Saint (vv 1-9)
2. Seek Like The Servant (vv 10-60)
3. Embody The Bride (vv 61-67)

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis; The Crossway Classic Commentaries: Genesis by John Calvin; Living in the Gap Between Promise & Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham by Iain Duguid; “No Compromise” 10/7/1888 Sermon by Charles Spurgeon

Dying Pilgrims & the Land of Promise

Genesis 23:1-20

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We are dying pilgrims on our way to the Land of Promise.

1. What Is Coming: Death
2. What We Are: Pilgrims
3. What Will Be: Glory

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleThe JPS Torah Commentary: Genesis by Nahum Sarna; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis

The Test & the Provision

Genesis 22:1-19

Pastor Garrison Greene

Why did God test Abraham in this way? To show us that…
1. Tests Will Come
2. Faith Will Work
3. God Will Provide

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleThe JPS Torah Commentary: Genesis by Nahum Sarna; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis

The Tent & the Altar

Genesis 21:22-34

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We are a people of the tent and of the altar.

1. We Are a People of Respect & Cooperation
2. We Are a People of Truth & Reproof
3. We Are a People of Worship & Eternity

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; The Crossway Classic Commentaries: Genesis by John Calvin; A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 ed by Rob Ventura; Letter From Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr

Two Sons, Two Ways

Genesis 21:8-21

Pastor Garrison Greene

1. The Contempt We’ll Experience
2. The Commitment To Which We’re Called
3. The Common Grace of God Displayed
4. The Crucial Difference Between Us All

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Galatians by Phillip Graham Ryken; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Living in the Gap Between Promise & Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham by Iain Duguid; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; The Crossway Classic Commentaries: Genesis by John Calvin

Infirmity & Invincibility

Genesis 20:1-18

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Though we as God’s people fail, God’s grace invincibly endures.

1. Beware Our Infirmity as God’s People
2. Behold the Invincibility of God’s Grace

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Genesis Commentary by John Calvin; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis; The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock; Gentle & Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners & Sufferers by Dane Ortlund

Decadence, Danger, & Destruction

Genesis 19:1-38

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: God’s justice & judgment demands our righteousness & reverence.

1. The City’s Decadence
2. The Christian’s Danger
3. The Coming Destruction

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleESV Study Bible; Church History Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis; The Justice & Goodness of God: A Biblical Case for the Final Judgment by Thomas Schreiner; What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality by Kevin DeYoung; Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam Alberry; Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With? by Sam Alberry; Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships by Rebecca McLaughlin; A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 ed. Rob Ventura

Abraham Involved & Interceding

Genesis 18:16-33

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: The LORD involves his friends in his plans and invites us to intercede.

1. Involvement in God’s Plans (vs. 16-21)
2. Intercession for God’s World (vs. 22-33)

RESOURCES: ESV Study Bible; Church History Study BibleReformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; Welwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis; Living in the Gap Between Promise and Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham by Iain Dguid; Divine Covenants & Moral Order: A Biblical Theology of Natural Law by David VanDrunen; The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (In Modern English, Published by Founders Ministries

Abraham & the Peculiar Visitation

Genesis 18:1-15

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: We have an Almighty Friend as the people of God.

1. A Peculiar Visitation
2. A Personal Friendship
3. A Powerful Guarantor

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleWelwyn Commentary Series: Genesis by Philip Eveson; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Phillip Richards; Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis; Living in the Gap Between Promise and Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham by Iain Duguid; Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands: Recovering Sacrament in the Baptist Tradition by Michael A. G. Haykin; The Death of Porn by Ray Ortlund Jr.

Surprised By God

Genesis 17:1-14

Pastor Garrison Greene

BIG IDEA: Our God is a surprising God.

1. The Surprise of His Calling
2. The Surprise of His Capability
3. The Submission to His Commands

RESOURCES: ESV Study BibleThe Death of Porn: Men of Integrity Building a World of Nobility by Ray Ortlund Jr; Reformed Expository Commentary: Genesis by Richard Phillips; The Necessity of Regeneration by Stephen Charnock