Resilient Hope

Psalm 1 depicts a person who is flourishing. The Psalmist describes this person as being “like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither" (vs. 3). Being a Psalm that was likely written in exile, the vision one should have is a tree one might find in the middle of a desert land. The stream is likely an irrigation canal dug so that people had access to water. Because of this canal, a tree is able to be planted and to flourish in a place where trees are a rarity. In this analogy then, this flourishing person is able to abound and flourish even in the midst of bleak and dismal circumstances. 

The reason this person flourishes? Instead of basing their life on the ways and patterns of this world, this person bases their life on the precious word of God. Instead of walking on the path of wickedness and sin (vs. 1), “his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night” (vs. 2). 

No doubt, we find ourselves living in bleak and troubled times. But even in the midst of them, we can be people who flourish. Like a tree in the desert, we can be those who bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We can be a non-anxious presence in our society. We can be people of resilient hope. We can be this kind of people as we, empowered by God’s Spirit, root ourselves in God’s word. 

Perhaps you have found yourself with more time on your hands due to the stay home order, issued by our Governor. Rather than seeing this as a time to cultivate an addiction to social media or binge watch every season of The Office on Netflix, receive this as a time to meditate on God’s word day and night. Receive this as a time to memorize particular Scripture passages that bring you comfort in these turbulent times. Receive this as a time to base your life on the truths and promises of God’s word. If you do, you will be like a tree planted by streams of water.

- Pastor Garrison Greene